What To Do With Old Music CDs?

March 26, 2017

cds (1)
These are my music CD collection and what you see here is only a small portion of it. I have four more stacks standing behind these four stacks that you see in this photo.

I had them since I was in my secondary school (high school in US) and I have not been listening to it for years. It has always been kept inside the storage cabinet for so long and only recently I have decided to take it all out for my books. Yes, books! Oh, don't get me started on that. Hahaha.

Alright, let's get back to my CDs first. I don't know what to do with it. One part of me thought of just throwing it away but the other part of me thinks it's kind of a waste if I just throw it away like that. Music CD is not cheap and all of it are original. Well, like they say... support the artistes.

Another reason is that music is so accessible in this age of Internet where you can just listen to any song from many platforms out there such as YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, to name a few. You can even buy and download original music from legal sites without having to keep the physical disc at home.

I know there are some websites or apps that allow you to put up your pre-loved items for sale but I wonder if anyone would still want to buy CDs nowadays when new released songs is just a click of a button away. Who still wants to keep CDs?

And I hate getting on to new websites. You know why? I hate to create a new account and have to set up a profile before I can even start to upload my stuff to be featured there. Well, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, eh?

On a side note, I would like to hear what do you guys think? Should I just throw it away or try to sell it online? Comments are appreciated.

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